Myths About Hair Transplant

Folliderm |

One day you are looking in the mirror all worried about having little to no hair. After several months, you’re standing in front of the same mirror running your hands through your soft hair. Sounds like a miracle, right? Actually, it’s not magic, just science. That’s the beauty of Hair Transplant. It is a skilled, unique, and life-transforming process. There are several myths about hair transplant.

Hair transplant in Nepal

As a developing nation, there are only a handful of reliable and good Hair Transplant clinics in Nepal. However, different techniques of regrowing hair have been prevalent for centuries now.  Most of these techniques are old homemade life hacks or falsely marketed serums and shampoos. Some of them might have been a hit, but most were a major miss. These have led to deeply rooted myths about hair transplant in Nepal.

Let’s break these myths, one by one.

Hair Transplant Myths

Myth 1: Hair transplant is a surgical procedure where parts of my head will be cut.

Fact: It is a common misconception that hair transplant is a complex surgical process. With the older process like FUT, it was true as a portion of scalp was taken out. However with the latest technology, like FUE and Direct Hair Transplant (DHT), they do not involve any cutting. The hair along with the tissue (called a graft) is simply removed carefully from the head and planted in the sparser region of your head.

Myth 2: Hair transplant can cause damage to my brain

Fact: Hair root is located very superficially in the skin. The brain is located deep inside within a box made of bone which we call as skull bone. Hair transplant involves planting the roots inside the skin only. So causing any damage to the brain is out of the question. However, it is essential to get a hair transplant done from a skilled doctor to avoid risks of infection or minor errors that an unskilled one can perform.

Myth 3: Hair transplant is only for bald people

Fact: Hair transplant is basically transferring hair from one part of your body to others, like your head, or beard. So technically, if you had absolutely no hair on your body, you could not have hair transplantation. If you have thinning hair or hair loss in some parts of your head, the transplant will work perfectly for you as well.

Myth 4: It will be very obvious that I have had a hair transplant

Fact: Now the truthfulness of this myth depends on the process you’ve gone through and the skill that underwent in the process. Hair transplant is almost like an art and the doctors should be experienced and competent to decide how much hair to place, and where. If done well, the process is so neat that barely anyone can tell.

Myth 5: Hair Transplant is a painful process

Fact: During the process, the patient is kept under local anesthesia. With advanced techniques like FUE and DHT, there is an initial prick-like sensation for a few minutes felt when administering medicines to make scalp skin numb. After its completion, the pain experienced will be very insignificant, if none. You don’t even need to stay in bedrest for weeks or bring major changes to your lifestyle. You can go back to your normal way of living in a couple of days.

Myth 6: I can use somebody else’s hair for my hair transplant

Fact: Your body will not be able to accept somebody else’s hair. In a hair transplant, it’s not only the hair strand that is being transferred. The hair tissue which is made up of living cells is transferred. So if you try to use someone else’s hair, the hair will not grow on you.

Myth 7: I will have to pay a lot of attention to my hair after the hair transplant

Fact: Many people believe that they cannot use shampoos, conditioners, hair color, etc after the transplant. However, you only have to take care of it normally. Once the hair growth cycle is complete, there is no need to make any changes to your hair care routine. It’s important to keep your hair clean and nourished as usual to support healthy growth.

Myth 8: Hair transplant is only for men

Fact: Hair transplant is for both women and men. At good clinics, women don’t even need to get their hair shaved in order to undergo the transplantation successfully. Since this process does not require extreme medication, there won’t be any adverse side effects in either of them.

Myth 9: Hair transplant in Nepal is not a good option

Fact: There are excellent hair transplant clinics in Nepal. The doctors are also competent and skilled. Now, the latest technology for hair transplant, DHT technology is also available in Nepal. The prices are also great compared to other places around the world. With good research, hair transplant in Nepal can actually be the best there is!

These were some Myths About Hair Transplant!

Were you holding back your appointment believing in any of these myths? Now that these are busted, go ahead and get yourself a  hair to love from the best hair transplant clinic in Nepal!