Hair is a big part of a person’s identity. The amount and quality of hair can affect one’s personality immensely. However, due to many reasons, men start facing hair loss problems at various ages. If you are one of them and are worrying too, then you can stop! Hair replacement is here in Nepal.
Hair replacement in Nepal has become very popular as it provides a brilliant opportunity to gain back hair permanently. These days, non-surgical processes are available for an even more relaxed experience. In this blog, we shall discuss everything there is to know about hair replacement in Nepal.
Male pattern baldness
Male pattern baldness, also known as alopecia is the most common reason for hair loss in men. It occurs due to a hormone called DHT which targets hair roots and affects their ability to grow back. It is common for all men and women to lose about 100 to 150 hairs every day but alopecia caused an increased permanent hair loss, which causes hair thinning, and eventually balding.
Different grades generally characterize alopecia. As you can see below, the first symptoms start with a receding hairline and a growing circular patch in the back. With continued hair loss, balding becomes more evident.
As the hair loss progresses further, the need to transplant more grafts and the cost of the hair replacement also increase accordingly.
What techniques of hair replacement are available in Nepal?
Hair replacement involves extracting healthy growing hair from specific parts of the body and transplanting it to balding areas. The three techniques for hair replacement are as follows:
- FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant): It is a traditional method. It is removing a strip from where healthy hair is growing, extract hair roots from the strip, and then transplant them into the thinning areas. Scalp heals in a week or two but leaves an easily perceptible scar. Rate Death of hair grafts is also high. This form is becoming less and less common and experts do not highly recommend it throughout the world.
- FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction): It is also known as one removal method. Here, the hair grafts are extracted individually, stored in a chemical solution, and then transplanted into the recipient areas. The site heals without any visible scars. However, during the storage, one to two percent of the hair grafts die every hour. Since the storage is generally for 3-6 hours, the hair loss rate is quite high.
- DHT (Direct Hair Transplant): This process is an advanced version of the FUE where the grafts are harvested and transplanted simultaneously. This means that once the hair is extracted from the donor area, it is transplanted to the recipient areas within a few minutes. This is the biggest difference in the DHT method which results in other advantages like:
– There is 100% graft survival with no heat or chemical damage to the hair– The process is virtually painless and scar less– Healing is also much faster in this process– It is carried out in a sitting position which provides a better angle for the insertion of hair grafts, and providing better results eventually
In Nepal, we can see advertisement of hair replacement or hair transplant under many different names. However, these are the three basic types and any other name is either the same processor slight insignificant alterations to them.
Know more about the techniques of hair transplant at folliderm
Further, you can also consult our doctors online or by visiting the clinic for free.
Since hair replacement is an important decision, it is natural to have many doubts regarding the process. We get a lot of questions regarding the pre-surgery process. Is it safe? What do I need to do before the process? However, it is not at all a complicated process. In fact, there are only a few simple guidelines to follow before the surgery. Some important ones are:
– Avoid drinking and smoking should be prior to the surgery
– Stop some medications which may affect the process.
We advise that you communicate to your doctor about your medical history properly so that the best recommendation can be provided for you, and everything runs smoothly. At Folliderm, we provide consultation to remove all your doubts and concerns.
A few simple guidelines followed after the surgery can yield the best results. With advanced techniques like DHT, no need of rest days, and the overall downtime is also much less. Some of the suggestions are:
- Avoid drinking and smoking for a few days.
- Follow the instructed medication properly.
At Folliderm we maintain constant communication with our clients either online or with visits to the clinic. And all the post-surgery sessions are absolutely free of cost.
We are the pioneers of the Direct Hair Transplant in Nepal. To this day, we are the only clinics with such a level of expertise and affordability operating here. Luxury, best results, experienced and friendly staff- we’re proud to say that we’ve been appreciated by our clients all over the world. We can provide full surety that once you walk into Folliderm, you will leave without any regrets, with the best value of your money.