To get a Hair Transplant is a big decision and an investment for most of us in the case of Nepal. The journey starts with the intent to boost your confidence and persona with a natural looking hairline. Probably, you will (you should!) consult many times to an expert from the best hair transplant in Nepal. Once you are convinced that a hair transplant is the best option for you, you undergo a treatment procedure. At Folliderm, the professional and leading clinic for hair transplant in Nepal, the procedure is performed under special care by our professional team over a day. Once the doctors are done with the transplant, the first few days to weeks you need to put extra care to your hair and the donor and recipient area.
But don’t you worry we are here to walk you through the entire process.
What to Expect?
If it’s your first time doing a hair transplant, you may be overwhelmed by all that is happening. So here are the few things that you can expect:
- There can be mild pain in the donor area for initial 3-5 days which will be taken care with small doses of painkillers. The pain is short-lived and is nothing to worry about.
- Your head or face may undergo subtle swelling in the first 48 or 96 hours; which will eventually fade away.
- Your friends and family start noticing the change and complimenting on your new looks.
- A short period of hair falls after the initial stage of growth; a large part of the implanted hair may fall anytime between 2-12 weeks. This is natural and does not worry your hair will start growing then after.
- Patience to see the actual results of the treatment procedure. Hair will start growing from the fourth month and a visible difference will be seen in 6-9 months. And a full-blown dense look will only be noticed in 1 year time.
- Boost in your confidence and self-worth; our satisfied patients have said they feel ready to conquer the world.
What should you avoid after your hair transplant?
Hair Transplant being a delicate procedure requires extra care to things you can do and you should avoid.
- No swimming for 14 days
- No alcohol for 7 days.
- Avoid exposure to dirt in the air at work or at play for 2 weeks.
- Avoid direct exposure to sunlight for long periods on a sunny day
- Do not touch the donor area or the transplanted grafts except with clean hands
- Avoid massaging your scalp immediately after the hair transplant
- Do not opt for self-medication. Necessary prescriptions will be provided after
- No heavy work or sports for 1 week.
- Do not use Chemical or Blow Dry your hair for the first few weeks
You can continue on with your normal day to day activities but avoid high energy activities and prevent an immediate threat to the transplanted area. Step up gradually, before returning to physical training and activities.
After 2 weeks of the surgery, you can start swimming, if you want. You can also provide extra care by applying sun lotion to the scalp or wearing a hat.
When can I wash my hair and how?
Since the transplant process requires small pricks over your scalp, stitching, and use of chemicals, your hair and heads may feel dirty. You may want to go and take a refreshing shower. You will be provided with a special cleaning solution which you have to spray for 5-7 days after transplant. Besides scalp hygiene, this solution also provides nutrition to newly planted hairs. You can start performing normal head wash after 5-7 days.
When shall I get my haircut and style?
- You may go to a barber in around three months when hair starts growing.
- Hairspray and mousse can be used one week after the transplant but should be washed off daily.
- When combing, do so carefully to avoid dislodging the grafts.
- Try to avoid hair dryers for 1-2 weeks, especially the hot ones.
General Instructions and tips:-
- Immediately after surgery, go home and rest until the next morning.
- To help decrease swelling, sleep with your head elevated at a 45-degree angle for 1-3 nights.
- Drink Plenty of Water and maintain your normal diet.
- Do not worry. Unease and Discomfort are normal and you will eventually feel okay.
- Consult with the hair specialist doctor even after the procedure is completed. Adhere to these simple instructions for optimal results.
At Folliderm, we understand your desire to rock your hair. We hope to please you with the care you receive and encourage you to contact us. We are available at your service even after the operation. Any queries or service, Folliderm is there for you. Feel free to contact us for a free consultation.
If you haven’t gone through treatment and you are here for research of things to do after hair transplant, then we also recommend reading about Hair Loss – Causes, Prevention, and Cure Technique.